So after we let our other Chameleon go Brett has been wanting another one ever since, so he came home from the pet store with 2 for his birthday. 1 male and 1 female. The male is the one with the horns and yes he is shedding, kind of gross but kind of cool. Taylor says he got sunburned so now he's peeling.
So yesterday I'm checking them out and looking in the cage at the nasty poop everywhere, and I saw this little tiny baby chameleon. The female one was pregnant when we bought it and we didn't know. So I called Brett and told him and he said they usually have between 8 and 10 babies, so I keep looking around and sure enough I found 7 or 8 more. There were a couple that didn't make it :( It was crazy though I just kept finding more and more behind every leaf and branch. So we researched what they eat and how to keep them alive. So Brett runs to the pet store to get some baby crickets. It was really cool because they already knew exactly what to do, they just stick out their tounges and snatch up the baby crickets. It's so cute because they really are so tiny. I'll try to get a video of the babies eating. We're hoping we can keep them all alive, we'll see what happens. So if you live near by, stop by and check out our baby chameleons.
Can you see 3 of them in this picture above. Two in the leaves and a dark one on the ground.
SO COOL, we will have to stop by and check them out.
we had a boy and girl when we were younger. they didn't have any babies, though. i like watching them eat - so awesome!
whoa that is awesome!!!
we will have to stop by and check them out.
They are so cute.
also you can make money on those later lol!
Oh my gosh Cass! They are soo cute. How fun, I bet the kids are just loving it!
That is hilarious! What a fun chameleons?! You have a full fledged baby chameleon farm now! haha.
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