Saturday, June 27, 2009

Just Keep Running!

So I've been training the last couple of months for this Marathon in December. I've already signed up for it because it was half off if you signed up before a certain date. I think I'm posting about this so that now everyone knows that I want to do it so that will keep me motivated. I just ran in my first 5K this morning and I just kept thinking the whole time, "How in the heck am I ever going to run a marathon?" It's just something I've always wanted to do, and its fun to have a goal to try to achieve. But mostly I think I'm doing it to get back in shape and loose those last pounds from my two lovely little ones :) Thanks to my awesome friend Roo who gets me out of my house every night to run.


Shanae said...

I am so excited for you Cassie, THAT IS AWESOME!!!!

Kim's just sayin' said...

seriously, you rock.

Jen Herem said...

good job!! I am hoping to do this in october in st george, which means ive got to start training soon!

p.s. so i should come out there and take some pics of your little ones. i fly for free... seriously.. it would be way too much fun!

Matti said...

I really am planning on training with you when I get back...(if you want to). There is no way I will be able to train for this on my own...those long runs will be way too boring for me.

liko said...

wow - to you and matti!! and it's something i've always wanted to do, too, but have not even been training or anything. and lately i've been thinking, "oh, i think that i'll be happy if i finish a HALF marathon..."
but seriously, i admire you for doing it. maybe i will do it NEXT year. maybe. if i get up off my butt and start running.

Erin Davis said...

You can do it! Oh and the gymnastic pics are so adorable!

Brooke said...

Good for you Cass! I think the longest I want to do is a half, so you go girl!! Good luck with the training!

carli said...

You can do it!! I ran my first one in Jan of 2008 and it was the best feeling ever. I am training again for the St George. They are fun and what better place to run than Hawaii?

Matti said...

Hey, I just received my verification of registration today by email. Did you get yours too?

Meggera said...

That is so great Cass! Way to be an overachiever. I will send all my good running vibes your way!